Caricol, 20 x BIO, 20 * 20 ml

from Caricol
(On stock)
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Effective long-term solution for the maintenance and regulation of digestion and intestinal transit.

A natural solution for the regulation of digestion

In tropical countries, people attribute to the papaya a very good reputation. The Indians of South America called papaya "tree of health". The active substances and their properties to aid digestion made ​​the papaya famous beyond its original lands.

The modern lifestyle can unbalance your digestion. What you eat but also how and when to take our meals affects your digestion. Moreover, external factors (such as stressful situations or excessive sedentary lifestyle can affect your digestion, in the same way as environmental pollutants.

The papaya properties, used traditionally, have so far largely confirmed. A recent survey showed an improvement in the absorption of food minerals by eating papaya. Papaya is an alkaline fruit, especially useful for smoothing the acidity of the stomach rates. Papaya also contains many powerful enzymes that accelerate the conversion of dietary proteins into amino acids, aiding digestion.


  • Help and regulates digestion
  • Improves the absorption and utilization of minerals
  • Facilitates regular transit
  • Relieves heartburn

  • Produced from 100% organic papaya, Caricol is a pure and natural product, which can be taken in the long term, without any side effects.
  • Caricol can make a significant contribution to improve vitality and well-being through its scope for maintaining and stimulating digestion.


1-3 sticks, preferably after a main meal.
When the situation improves, take a stick per day.
Caricol is used preferably pure but may be diluted in a glass of water.


papayas (organic farming), concentrated lemon juice (organic farming), natural flavor


20 sticks of 20ml

This site contains a significant amount of information. This is not a medical site. The exempted reflections, can never be a substitute for a consultation with a doctor or therapist that you return for your follow-up contact.

Comment (13) -
Comments from others countries
Caricol, 20 x
5 5

Régule mon transit paresseux suite à un cancer
Caricol, 20 x
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Je suis satisfaite de ce produit et il est facile à utiliser
Caricol, 20 x
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Très bon produit pour les rgo
Caricol, 20 x
> 65 years Gender
5 5

J'espère que cette prise quotidienne atténue mon RGO, ce qui a l'air d'être le cas.
Caricol, 20 x
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Conforme à mes attentes
Caricol, 20 x
55-65 years Gender
5 5

produit de haute qualité
Caricol, 20 x
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Produit qui me convient
Caricol, 20 x
> 65 years Gender
4 5

J’ai pris caricol selon la prescription du médecin 2 fois par jour avec de bons résultats, cependant le produit reste très cher pour une utilisation long terme. Sur le site aroma-zen, le coût était le plus intéressant et moins cher qu’en parapharmacie
Caricol, 20 x
5 5

Complément alimentaire utile en cas de prise importante de médicaments.
Caricol, 20 x
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Très efficace contre le reflux acide et favorise la digestion.

Un petit bémol pour le prix
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This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.